
Welcome to What Is & What Should Never Be. We are a non site multifandom group based completely on Twitter. This site was set up strictly to keep the group organized with SL's, available roles, etc. If you would like to join please speak to an admin, but please be sure to read the rules first! They can be found in the Rules tab above.
Please note: All original characters are welcome, and new fandoms are available based upon the amount of requests we receive.


We don't have a lot of rules here at WI&WSNB, but we do expect that you follow the ones we do have. They are as follows:

1. We expect our members use proper grammar and spelling. This is imperative for the quality of our group's rp. Text talk is to only be used when your character is doing just that: texting.

2. We do not require OOC and SL accounts. While it's perfectly fine if you do or do not have them, we would prefer you SL at least once a day (even if it's a small pass). One pass is better than none. And please, make some efforts in your pass.

3. Keep your RL talk off of the TL. If you would like to discuss RL matters please take it to DMs.

4. Do not mate outside of the group. Doing so makes it extremely confusing for those in the group when attempting to keep up with each other's SL's. If you are interested in someone who is interested in joining us, they're more than welcome to join. Mating outside of your fandom is acceptable so long as you're able to work the pairing into your SL. (Ex: Dean Winchester and Bonnie Bennett are able to pair up because Dean could care for her while attempting to protect her from the various vampires in Mystic Falls.)

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